Today's Haikus

This website is a hobby project, which generates haikus(*) based on some news of the day from The Guardian. The model is not perfect, and the haikus might not make sense. Please don't take them too seriously.
I am not affiliated with The Guardian in any way, and the haikus do not reflect my personal opinion.
Several features prevents the haikus from being offensive, but I can't guarantee that they will always be inoffensive. If you find a haiku offensive, please contact me and I will remove it. If you want to learn more about the project, you can check the About page.
Note:Technically the poems on this page are not real haikus, as they do not refer to nature and/or seasons. They are closer to senryu, but I decided to call them haikus for simplicity.

You can see below the Haikus of the Day. If you want to play with the model and generate some haikus, you need to go to Generate Haikus.

There are no haikus for this day!